Thursday, 12 February 2015

So far, so good

Well, as yet, my entry to an event hasn't jinxed my progress. In the previous 2 years my entry, or even  the thought of one, sent my legs into a state of failure. Now they are just not quite right all the time and now I'm hoping they'll stay that way!

On Tuesday I ran a typical road loop and made a bit of effort. It was clearly slower than  a year ago when I felt strong. Now I know of course that was an illusion as I had to cut back dramatically a little later. There is progress in my year-long (gosh, so long?) recovery as at yesterday's circuit I was fine doing some squats, lunges and even a few single leg squats. They weren't an option 6 months ago. I'm shocked how slow recovery has been. Would it have been quicker if I'd rested more?

I've stumped up the cash for Strava Premium too. I'm not sure it's good value but so far I have liked the heart rate and pace summary data as that is showing that I'm not really taking things as easy as I have thought. Nor am I doing much that is intense. Too much in the middle as considered a year ago. In fairness, I'm probably only just regaining the strength around my knees to push hard but that will have to come soon. Not until after my event though.

I have risked a trip to the chiropodist today as some spots of hard skin were cracking or pushing into my foot. It felt advisable to get rid of those but I have a slight fear that my feet my now be a little too soft. I've a few weeks for them to settle in yet.

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