Saturday 25 January 2014

Aiming for a slightly easier long run

After 4 weeks of achieving 40km plus per week and some longer long runs, today was a slightly easier and potentially slower long run. I ran my Blacka Moor half marathon loop fairly steadily but was 7 minutes slower than my best time just before Christmas. I think this is due to the heavier routine that I'm committed to at present. On the fast week I'd only run 2 easy 5km sessions during the week whereas this week I've done 17km of which 12km was fast and tough. So I'm bound to be a bit more weary! This is a crucial stage in the plan presently, to keep above 40km a week whilst avoiding injury. This should form a solid base for the 100km.

The sky was clear when I left home and when I returned, but 'atmospheric' inbetween.
I was also a little too hot this morning. The forecast suggested that early on would be OK with rain coming in later.  After my soaking a few weeks ago I wasn't taking chances and so wore my waterproof jacket. In  combination with the winter-weight tights it was too much. At a few points I was tempted to take it off but then I suspect I would have been cold very soon and had to put it back on. Overall I'm satisfied with the pace as it was better than 6min/km and generally felt pretty relaxed.

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