Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Using a plan

Today's plan was to take my usual Tuesday loop via Dore but to have some specific aims. These were to try for good times on the Millhouses 1km and the ascent to Wyvern Gardens. The time on the rest of the loop wasn't to be important.

The 1km attempt was fairly rapid but still 6s slower than my PB whereas on the hilly 0.5km I gained a new PB by a 2s margin. The time for the whole loop was slightly longer but not major and so I can take this as a successful trip. For the next time I take this route I need some new aims.

I've avoided using my bum bag for a few runs as I suspected that it might hurt my stomach (vaguely, was it my guts or abdominal muscles?) but today decided that I'd try it again. Although the bag didn't cause clear discomfort it wasn't especially comfortable and I found it unstable on fast descents. Even in the absence of clear evidence I think I will be abandoning it. I just don't want to use the rather pricey UltrAspire pack for routine runs.

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