Friday 28 March 2014

Back into neutral

Whilst walking to and from work, and moving around there, I had no hint of the right ITB pain. I decided to risk a short run in my unsupportive and very 'neutral' Green Silence shoes. After a very gentle descent to Millhouses park I made a bit of effort and achieved a PB.

I'm sure I could have gone faster as I was only making 'some' effort as I'm supposed to be in rehab. I returned home very gently especially as the last 1.5km is moderately uphill, it certainly feels more than the 60m shown on Strava!

Anyway, the key thing is that during this I had no hint of ITB pain from either knee. Does this mean that I've caused and cured a problem within a week? I'll find out tomorrow - it took 24 hours for my knees to 'collapse' earlier in the week.

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