All of this week I've had niggling pains in my legs. Last weekend I upset my right foot, at Wednesday's circuit ligaments around my left knee were a spot sore and the long term tight left hamstring reappeared. All at a rather low level but irritating just as I felt I was getting stronger. On that basis I decided that I wouldn't strive to reach 200km by yesterday and that today's run should be relatively modest.
My plan was to do the Blacka Moor half marathon route so that I was never too far from home and add on a little extension if all was well. I also committed to not worrying about pace.
It was a sunny spring morning |
I added on a short stretch across an extra section of moorland that lead me to Foxhouse where I decided, as things seemed OK, to add a short extension (1.5km) and an additional ascent (60m that felt like a lot more). From Houndkirk Road the view was stunning, as a little mist had settled in the valleys forming gradients of shade.
As usual I turned up towards Oxstones where the frost was still evident.
From there it was all very nearly all downhill to home. I could feel the left knee when I flexed it and I wonder if squats at circuits aggravated a bit of soreness from the previous long run. The delicate foot was OK throughout and I'll have to leave that body part out of any excuses now!
As I'd stopped to take a few photos and not rushed I was very pleased to have a moving pace of 5:50min/km and 6:02 as a door-to-door pace.
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