Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Exercise 4.5

Early this morning I did the 6 little pylometric squat jumps I've been prescribed. I'm supposed to reach 3 set in 3 weeks. I didn't feel any twinges which was good. During the day I managed 1 set of 10 step ups. By the end of the day I was aware of my left knee more than I've been for a while but it didn't worsen whilst walking home.

I can't see how to fit in activities to give rest days and get everything done so I decided to try a short road run as I'm to get up to 17km in 3 runs over the next few weeks. Having a bit of a niggle made me wary but in the end it didn't worsen. On the run I tried to follow the instruction of keeping my feet on the ground as briefly as possible - that was the suggestion in relation to my comment that I'd noticed my left foot falls heavily.

After 3km with 0.7 km downhill things felt fine and I concluded with rollering and stretching; adding hip flexor stretches. I have difficulty with this as the quads seem to be so tight as to limit stretching elsewhere. I'll try anyway.

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